March 10, 2013

How to Print Screen in MAC

  • Command+Control+Shift+3: take a screenshot of the entire screen (screens if multiple monitors), and saves it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
  • Command+Control+Shift+4, then select an area: takes a screenshot of selection and saves it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
  • Command+Control+Shift+4, then space, then click a window: takes a screenshot of a window and saves it to the clipboard for pasting

January 7, 2013

Terminal Server Sessions

One way to determine who is logged into a terminal server session on the server is the following:

> quser.exe
> qwinsta.exe
> query session

December 9, 2012

Determining the Vendor by MAC

When performing a recon on a network, whether wireless or LAN based, you may come across devices identified by its MAC address. To get a better footprint of the environment, it is definitely useful to determine the type of device riding within the enterprise. This can usually be done by an nmap sweep of the local environment. Once MAC addresses are gathered, the vendor of the unknown device can be concluded by visiting the following:

The first three octets are usually reserved by the vendor.